My Divorce Was Finalized. Now What?

Receiving your final decree of divorce can be a huge relief, or a very sad event, based upon on the reasons for the dissolution of your marriage. Either way, you may be wondering if there is anything else for you to do, or if you have truly reached the end of the divorce process. The answer is yes and no, depending upon your circumstances. Michelle Hopkins explains further below.

Utilities and Expenses for the Marital Home

If you and your spouse were separated in the marital home and one of you will be maintaining ownership of the home while the other one relocates, be sure to transfer all utilities and expenses to the proper name.

Estate Planning

If you have a Will or Trust, be sure to update your estate documents to reflect the divorce. The Hopkins Law Firm can assist you with this.

Minor Children

If you and your spouse share minor children, you will continue following the agreement for custody and visitation until your children graduate high school, turn nineteen years of age, or a modification of the agreement whichever comes first.

Miscellaneous Duties

Any terms you agreed to carry out in your settlement agreement that have a timeline to be fulfilled must be completed. Depending upon what you agreed to, the timeline would begin either from the date the agreement was signed, or from the date the final decree of divorce was formally entered by the Judge.


Be sure to update your claims and your withholdings as necessary. In cases wherein parties have minor children, be sure to communicate clearly with your spouse regarding who shall claim the minor children each year to avoid duplicate claims.


Be sure to obtain your own insurance policies as necessary.

Update Accounts

This is an easy one to forget to do, as many people don’t look back at their personal details on accounts regularly! Be sure to update any of your account beneficiaries, authorized users, emergency contacts, etc.

What Life Looks Like Now

When your final decree of divorce is signed by the Judge, that means that you are officially divorced as of the date of the Judge signed. As such, you are free to live your life as though you were single without impediment from the circumstances of marriage, separation or divorce. With the exception of fulfilling any obligations from your settlement agreement, you are free to live as you chose going forward. Be sure to reevaluate your lifestyle and budget to make the most of this fresh start.

Schedule A Consultation

If you need guidance on outstanding obligations, assistance with a name change or updated estate work, please do not hesitate to contact our office today at 571-248-2210 or to schedule a consultation. Michelle Hopkins and her legal team are ready and waiting to help you!

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